Sleepness night...

It's raining.. yet, i am not sleeping..
All the exams stress, I just feel the invisible "pressure" on my head.
my thoughts of " I have to pass.." gives the chills, as i think of my six papers..

Everytime, I thought, I giving up, I think about my wasted time.. And some invisble strength that overcomes me.

I pushing myself to finished the test, I did not do, but I am doing it as an assignment. Tomorrow, I am going to skip classes again.
Well, Behind those skippings of classes and "heck-care-attitude" , is the panicky worried person.

I have to some achievements in my life.. THere have to be a start..

Suddenly, I just feel I didn't want to care about her anymore.. I didn't want to find things to make myself angry.

Maybe, i have been trying to find reassurance his words and truth. The insecurity just overpowers and I become jealous.

THis morning, i messaged on her msn... She responded with back a sms, asking if , "I am ok?" I don't know what to think of it.
I was actuallie delighted with her concern, yet skeptical that she trys to magnified her heart and probably try to get down to it and asked about my well-being.

sighh.. But this is life, right?.
But this life, i am going to make it right..
And with Him(God) and him(Dear Dear) and my friends, I will able to make it through..

I am listening to Cannon in D.. It grows onto you.. And I seek comfort in. Imagine myself playing the piece. Just one day..

And I found this site.... YOu checked this out.. It's damn ugly
Ugliest Dog

P.s: Did you know that a guy died of overdose of viagra.. And he died with "little bro" singing the national anthem. And there was a picture to prove it.
I don't think I wanna find the url address. Because, I think it's disrespectful to the dead. But it's somthing to wonder in awe about.. hmmm


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