To whom it concern

To whom it may concerned:
I don't understand why, why need to handle emotions better,
Because, I feel it's ok just to let it out.
Things changes for the better,
I just glad,
You can start laughing..
Because it means something.
To want something, You can't have.
It finally daunted on me,
what it means.
Confused no more,
Yet trying to find answers.
I am living a life
which I want,
The life of insecurities is not all gone,
But the contentment overides the thoughts.
I know what I want,
I know how I can get,
I want it , I get it.
I never want, something which I can't have.
And I will have what I want.
This style of writing hmmmm...
By the way, to whom it may concerned again,
It's not that I don't know you well,
but just not very well.
It's medium rare .. wahaha


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