Working with Stars

I have been doing starhub roadshows at Vivocity..

Glad it's so near my home, i reach within 5 minutes.

I have been Working with Poster boy, who modelled for Sony Vaio.

If you have seen the Peak,

the guy who act as Peter is working at Starhub office.

Got another close up the another day.


BUt, I am envious of their courage to try. (beside knowing that they are good looking)


Not that I dun have the courage,
but what I am really trying for?

That I am not good-looking.
But neither I am good-looking.
THere is so many another better looking gals out there.

Just like the many SIA-gals wannabes,
I Too want to try.
BUt What I am really trying for?
And what They really trying for?
For a society class?
For money?
For FLying Around?

Guys guys guys..
I hate to admit this.
But Sometimes, ROnnie sucks as well.
But, I have the power...
*swipe swipe* to the limit..
So Ronnie, u better treat me well.
Btw, I am glad you gals had fun the another during roller blading.
And for the guys, glad to know you better.

THere is so many other things I wan to say, but forget..

so for now byebye


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