No worries
Me and him err.. still going on.
But sometimes, I wish he can take initiative..
Oh well.. at least, he did do something.

But sometimes, I wish he can take initiative..
Oh well.. at least, he did do something.
Updates about Valentine's day..
This are one of the most expensive chocs that I have bought and eaten..
One choc cost me about 3 bucks plus.. and the flower one cost me 1.50 extra....
This is a present I got for him anyway.
BUt Why I eat huh? err... coz expensive mah..
So try out, see how expensive, the taste is.. (haha)
Not bad lar..
I like this restaurant.. err. I can't remember what's name..
sorry lar, i know i very blur.
But it's opposite Novena church. Beside HOng Kong Cafe.
I like this restaurant.
Because, I thought they made efforts to do up the cafe.
With the wrapping paper as mats.
to beautify the table cloth.
And the candles on the table. ( i tink the candle is always there. but whatever)
And peeled petals of red roses sprinkled on the table.
Something, I don't come across.
OR MAYBE, Jack never bring to nice restaurants to begin with.
Oh yar, fake roses on the house, as a complimentary.
Defintely go back there, for normal meals.
RONALD, if you are reading this, can we go compass rose someday? ( Ade closes her eyes and prayed hard)
Oh yar.. check this out.. dessert...
Ronnie have to cut the heart,before i took the photo........
I think I should have studied design..
Since, I am into basic htmls.. and adobe photoshops.
here is one of my touch up..
Second one. i like this..
Yeah.. i had fun..