My ride - Chevrolet Sparks

I was abit hesitant about getting the car, it was so expensive to maintain a car in Singapore.
Getting a car, it's not about impulsive buying. Please do work out the finance.
I was wondering one of my friend seems a little obsessed with her car, why Ronnie scolds me if I leave the lights on, after switching off the engine. I slowly seemed to understand why.
Even though, it is a second hand, I handled it with care, always bearing in mind to switch of the radio and air-con. I also placed carebears to make the car look different. The car obtained some of my identity.
It was Ronnie's idea for me to get the car, so I was not so cite, as my direction sense sucked, so did my situation awareness. I had a phobia to drive alone. That is why after few months of getting my car license, I rather Ronnie to drive me.
The fear subsided, as I could drive alone, I learned how to navigate my way using the GPS.
I think we must proved that girl drive can be good or better male driver.. (shhh.. Don't tell my husband. )