I passed my driving test!!!!!!!!
But the tester had to let me pass...
i am happy but not ecstatic happy..
But, a least I have something.
The cars are mine to drive
ONe way or another..
I have alot to blog.
Thank God once again.
I suddenly love everything.
I love my job.. ( ok, not really)
But, I am a freaking perfectionist,
And this characteristic only known when the lady told me.
Then, I started thinking, from everything little thing,
I like it perfect,
Except my room..
I don't know why..
I like to be tidy,
So where I work,
I always packed.
Except my room,
I don't like leathered chairs with blacked stuck on bubble-gum lookalike on it
Especially buses.
I love attention,
I hate losing.
But I always lose sometimes anyway.
I hate to be accused,
I determined to make the most money.
These days I checked out young boys..
Shameless me.
These days I love the reflection I see.
yeah.. that's me..