My job
My job deals with underage smokers. If you don't already know where I am working.
Sorry, I still can't tell you.
Sorry lah, blame it on the boggie man ( Let's Boggie)haha.
I do not exactly deal directly with them,
let's just say I am filing their records.
Besides, filing papers, I had to fight disgusting insect.
I think something call the silverfish.
I Had to protect it from those important papers!!!
SO DIE silverfish DIE..
So it did.
I manage to check out my own butt out of the reflections of the mirrored lifts.
Levis jeans are not for everybody, apparently according to people.
But i love the brand for its quality
And NOW!!! i love because it make my butt so perky and tight..
And Thank-you to the guy, who really knowing how to surprise me,
when I never thought he would surprise me.
I just want to say,
YOu still make me think about you,
YOu still make me smile.
I miss you alot.
And I wish I have you.