UPdates at last!!!

SOrry for inconvenience...

I became a member of CPF board. I have been there for 1 mth, 1 week and 2 days...lol...
The nature of bonding of the temp staffs was rapid.
Different backgrounds, different ages come together. And we become a very chatty bunch..
Introducing, Eugene, WeiJun, Sam, SHiKun , Yeu Yun and last not least Zhi Jian...
I think it's the them that i look forward to, and them who actually makes me want to come to work everyday. However, there were reshuffling of manpower. And we had 3 overboard and one new crew member..

However, thanks to internet msn... we reconnect again. ha ha...
Life in CPF is interesting.
And but sometimes, Ade either idle.. (pun intended) or stay bz serving customers..
and the standard answer of CPF temp staffs that goes
PLease take note that this is a English translation
" The money is in already" staff tells ah ma.
Ah ma gives PUzzled look: " I go bank and check and I come back here."
STaffs says in exasperation:" It's in ur bank account, no need to come back here liao."
AH ma:" SO i only need to check with bank book?"
"yes" nods the staffs.
"I am telling you it's not here." ah ma show bank book.
Staffs point point, explains two thrice, and fourth time..
Ah ma finally gets it..
"Thanks ah moi"
Staffs " no prob"
"SO it's in here right?"ah ma needs reassuring
Staffs nearly falls off her chair and clinched and says: " yes yes"
ha ha..

This is a typical scenrio at CPF. a typical day that starts with a typical scenerio.. ha ha

I think that when u stay in the job, u remain humble.
THe fact, I think i am humble but sometimes forget the simple things in life that can make one happy. THis job always makes me realise the situation out that.. THat Singapore has a population of poor people. the minority whom u don't see most of the time. But they do exist in this country

HOwever, I will never be contented by my own finance situation, how do you? When the friends surrounding you are pretty rich.. People leads different life. GOd has a plan for everybody. But i can't stay contented. I guess that is life right?

SOmetimes, I wish I was different. I wish my parents were different.
I do my best at everything that I do, yet I catch my own faults.

Sorry, I think it just a rambling...

sign out ade


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