Dearie graduate

My life is not revolved around Ronnie only leh.. YOu must understand I think if I were to fall back on someone, he would be the only around.

It's sad to say as friends, when you sometimes need them the most, the whole cohort seems to disappear.. ha ha.

Pershaps, I have shut the door to my heart. I dun update my friends. I dun mind taking the initiative at times, but if my friends dun take the initiative all the time, I would just leave it as it.

Call me, I would really wan to go out with you..
And to the someone, I sorry I vented my anger at you that day. I know you have been busy and happy in ur love life.
I didn't wan to spoil ur mood or day, therefore, I call you so much as before and poured out my sorrows.
Sometimes, I wanna a cuppa brew with you, but u have been far too busy with another friends,
So i just wait, for ur free time. A friend like you is good to have in my keeps.

But you go ahead with your decisions bah.. If u think i can't handle my prob alone, den drop by sometimes... ha ha
Photos at graduation. Damn we make a nice couple... wa hahaha


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