New Job

I was whining about my job like forever. My previous company sucks, my previous company company sucks as well.

Seriously, I don't know which company sucks more. Never about this. Anyway, I will blogged about that the next time.

I found a new job with a publishing firm. I am doing advertising sales for the magazine, you will be surprised by which magazine it is.

Make a Guess.
FINE.. It's Motherhood.

I was always intrigue by the advertising industry, since young I like to watch the advertisments on TV and determined which ads catches my attention.

I flipped the pages of beauty magazines or wedding magazines, I would looked through the ads. The power of advertising can be very persuasive. Never mind about the irritating pop-up ads on the internet. Companies which advertise tend to have their brands synced with the audience. Like we used to say "Pampers" instead of diapers, till some other brands catched up by advertising.

I am damn proud of the magazine. Let me throw aside the humble pie, and say that the success of magazines's lifespan is six months and above. Motherhood's magazine has being running since 1983.

Since I wasn't a mother, I would have not bothered about the magazine. However, when I was in the training programme for 4 days and had some time. I picked the magazine, and started to read, the editoral contents was informative and related to the moms.

It sounds like I am promoting about the magazine right? I have read the magazine over and over again, four times and counting. If the magazine can actually interest a girl whom is not even thinking of having a kid now. I think its contents would relate very well with mother-to-be and mothers. Judging from its cover, the titles are definitely attention grabbing. Do I even need to promote the magazine in the first place?

Anyway, if you have chanced upon this blog and you are keen in advertising for the magazines, please drop message and contact number and email to

And I do have to thank Nuffnang too. I was given two job offers, and I wasn't sure about which jobs I should have taken up.
Before the interview, I signed up for Nuffnang to host ads on my blog. I was comtemplating sending my resume to nuffnang to have a shot at it, as they were hiring Been always fascinated by the advertising world, Nuffnang feed my hunger to consider of such job opportunities in the industry. At the point of time, I was having my exams and also employed, so I missed out on sending my resume in the end.

So when this publishing firm interview came, my heart and my instincts told me this is what I wanted. However, I was pretty swayed by the better monetary package the other job offered me. I did prayed over this, yes I do believe the powers of prayers as well.

The next few days, the hints seemed to be hitting me in the face. I was writing about how me and my husband got pickpocket in London for his company's newsletter on how to travel safe in future. When my write up got published, I was beaming with pride. The TV ads keep flashing some beauty magazines from other companies. I mean you go and check the TV if they are advertising for any magazines rigth now, and you know that the ads of the magazine are not always airing. Plus I reviewed about Nuffnang and still completating if I should have send my resume.

I turned down the better offer and followed my heart. So let's see how it goes.

Anyway, if Nuffnangs has traced this blog, please put some ads on my blog already. I offer to do a free write-up for the products hosted on my blog :)

That's all for now, folks.


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