Wedding part VI- Bridal Concept
May is my assigned co-ordinator, one thing I like about her that she is frank, she doesn't tell you lies just to want you to get over and done with it.
First round, I think I went in the Aug/ sept period, after Ronald proposal. I had to wear different kind of wedding gowns, even gowns which I never thought that I would wear. This is to give May an idea of what gown suit your body shape. She pretty much have some idea on what suit your body shape by looking you.
Of course, you can let her know, what kind of gown you like and she write it down.
Second round was in sept period, where I was brought alot of gowns to try, the gowns that suit my body shape and together with those designs which I liked. After KIVing a few, because I couldn't make up my mind. I tried a few evening gowns.
The tidious round was the next round was in end Oct and Nov period.
I tried the few gowns, and I finally selected my wedding gown. I been asked a few times for the wedding gown. I just don't feel like telling about the wedding, because, I want it to be a surprise.
I don't everybody to like know what I am going to wear, it kinda spoil all the fun.
After which, it was the evening gown, i tried a few. May told me that there is evening gown, first look, it wasn't nice. However, I will grow to look like it. When I saw the evening gown , i didn't like it at all. I chose another one just in case.
Then I had to shed my limelight, and Ronald's turn to dress up. We were quite lucky, I felt, as the bridal show for them was just over, May showed us the jackets, which I found it pretty unique. To show you what it was like for our wedding jackets and evening gown
I wasn't sure about the evening gown, because it was orange. The next time, when I went down to tried to gowns to make sure it was sewn according to my body measurement. And to choose the evening gown again, it seemed her words were magic, it really felt different.
Without a doubt, I chose that special gown for as the evening gown.
The times that I went down to Bridal concept was countless. The even happened from the period from August 2009 to March 2010.
Anyway, being a good bridal coordinator, she is a good advisor for couples, she speak aloud thoughts of one party and convey to the other party. For example, she tells me, that actually Ronald is stress, he wants to look his best for the wedding and he is conscious of how his body would look. After hearing this, I felt very upset for yelling at Ronald, I was so self-absorbed about making this work. However, I didn't realise he too wants the best for the wedding.
In the first place, I shouldn't havc doubt about our choice with Bridal concept. :)