Quick updates
I can't slp, neither can I study.
I am so sick of studying.
I got $500 plus 0.09cts rosella diamond studs on my ear :)
I kept thinking it was $300, until he showed me the bill again.
And it's a bit stressful, but I was always afraid of losing it.
I got because Ronnie thought he has to get 4 type of white gold as dowry
Well, wifes-to-be, just mentioned that about the dowry thing,
and just forget to mention it's for teo chew only.
OK. I definitely bragging.
but but but once in a while lar.
Ronnie went to City Harvest. So Hip hor.
I was kind of overjoyed when he went for another service, this time without me
But joy was short-lived, when he keep mentioning he will not convert.
It just a long journey.
My theory is it takes one to forget one.
Let's us be gracious in the meantime, just hope the another party is happy.
I was very touched by the fact, that some guy offered me umbrella.
It was a heavy rain lar, and I prepared to get drenched,
because I didn't want to wait for the rain to stop.
Somehow, I am not too sure why, I had this feeling,
the guy will offer me, his umbrella, ella, ella, ella. ehhhh. ehhh
He ran up to me, because I heard the plattering of his feet.
And he smiled ;) when i said thnks
I tell u it kinda warmth my hearth for 25 seconds, till we reached the bus stop,
I walked away, I do not want to create a conversation.
And he tried to make a last attempt by offering to drop me off at my place.
Ade start imagining, she has to create conversation.
Then the exchange of numbers.. blah blah.
'I have a straight bus home. ' Ade told him
He left with that weird expression on his face.
Anyway, I was being offered umbrella for a second time, when I wanted to cross to my block.
And indian uncle this time.
Really, this people, is what make the world goes round with :)
So good deeds beget good deeds,
Ade will offer her umbrella to the next good looking guy.