I fell sick, i think the virus is spreading.
boo hoo.
LIfe is breezy, i guess.
Baby Jingo is getting cleverer.
He greets u whenever you come back.
He wants you to sayang him, if not
he "woof woof" at you.
My future mother-in-law huh.
still the same lor.
Cynical, blah blah..
But at times, she still show signs of concern.
I have been immune to her little ways of doing things.
Conversation always end like this.
SHE: "who and who treat the mother very good, very fillial"
Ade:" orh"
SHE: "Ronald ex gf (she gets vague at the memory of which gal friend,
and starting pointing anyone) always tell Ronald to treat the mom
well. she very good."
Ade: (bui lun liao) :"I aso very good"
SHE: ( no response)
Ade repeat once "i aso very good"
SHE: " continue with her story"
ADe: ...........
Seriously, I strongly disagree to live with my in-laws.
Since when I have a bf, that is a no no.
I mean, I wan a house on my own,
The house which i use my blood-shed money to pay.
I want a world on our own at least for awhile.
So i can't bear the idea of she living with me.
Of course, in future, another arrangement will be made if necessary.
Even working now.
Money still not enough.
Kind of going on dutch.
i pay sometimes.
den he pay sometimes.
Wait till he settle his studies.
Should be slightly better.
Got money, so owe people money, one dollar die die must return.
I can't stand it if people owe me money,
5 bucks also i want it back.
so chiam hor me.
Even clothes, i never really buy, only see something i like then buy.
I wonder why gals can find so many clothes to buy.
i dun even have the time to shop. sobz.
You know something, haha.
I think i begin to realise, I think Ronald loves me
He loves deep deep.. haha
I not too sure when was the waking up point.
But it just happen one day.
I stop having this he don't love me as much when i am upset.
not sure why i bloggin this. but wahaha