BOO part one

I recently went for numerology. I bet most of you know it right?
It was interesting the fact, someone tells ur character.
In fact, all of the characteristic were accurate.

One was suppressed.
Suppressed in the sense, for example.
You know how Asians parents always say their kids they are no good or stupid.
I always thought I am capable and I able to do something.
I craved for my parents' praises or my bf's support.
Apparently, I am looking for the wrong places.
Especially my bf.
I feel much disappointed.
Maybe, he carried the joke too far.

So SCREW them, when the lady said that I had a dream, and my behaviour changed becoz of that.
It had me thinking, for a few days,I suddenly knew what she said that.
One morning, dunno which day, I woke up, i rememberd telling myself this. I Don't care anymore, I don't care what they say.
The last time , i always wait for people to pat me on the back to tell what I am capable of.
This time round, I don't care what people say, I am good and smart. Suddenly,I have this mindset, I knew what I want.

And it was all because, the lady said I was smart. It kinda triggered everything.
And yes, I can't take it, if someone take my intelluct as a joke.
I don't know what take me so long.

The lady told me not to go clubbing , and she said she knew I like. That was freaky....

But you know what is even more freaky. I told God about this,

He answered with this: Galatians 1:6-7 " I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the Grace of God -which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some poeple are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ."

I was laughing when I reading this. So I closed my chapter on numerology. Well, I wouldn't dare say that I won't go if I have another chance. But, the future, is still in my hands.


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