
I blame it on the many factors that i had, on the failing of my exams.. But the main reason is because I am lazy. I am lazy to the extend that I, myself can't tolerate my attitude. For many years, of adopting such a character, I don't if i have the determination to change it.

However, I know that, I don't change it by this year, I will never graduate with a degree. And but of my ambition was to graduate with a degree.So I wouldn't sleep till I can get all my stuffs arranged for tomorrow. I really hope this would last.. ANd another reason that I changed my blog, after a long while, I can't repressed it any longer. I want to say my true feelings. I couldn't really do that, because some people whom I don't want reading, has been reading. And I can't really write out anything in the open.
Well, if you don't know already, I have broken up with Jack. Not that I am proudly declaring it. But, the diary entries would contain what I feel, and I don't said it now, you people might not be able to know what I am talking about.

Well, I guess, this is the first official entry. And I need comments on my blog, which I spents hours trying to play around with the html. i would be from time to time, changing details to beautify the blog...Alot of people have been asking me why I have broken up with him. Well, I just don't feel like saying, So, to most, my answers might be gibberish. Maybe, I am not that sorted out myself. So, till then, I will come up with a better answer to your questions. "And yes, what this about the another guy?" My brother asked me.I am with someone new, but he is not all the main reason, why I broke up with Jack.
This new guy, whom I am not revealing his name, just as yet. Well, he is sensitive, understanding, Singaporean. He makes me laugh. He popped surprises, and make my day. I don't really need flowers to brighten up my day. Because, his actions are more than enough to put a smile across my face. Maybe, I am at a honeymoon stage. However, whatever it is, He defintely touches my soul. ANd I am defintely in LOVE....
I am just as in missin him now..But, i HAve to sleep now... zzzz


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